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Increasing Outcomes with AHA Guidelines

It is easy-to-use device that delivers automated, guidelines-consistent chest compressions to improve blood flow in victims of cardiac arrest. Performs at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute with a depth of 2-2.5 inches. It also allows for complete chest wall recoil after each compression and provides a 50% duty cycle—equal compression and relaxation time for the chest wall.
Several studies show the effectiveness of manual chest compressions can drop rapidly—often after only one minute—due to rescuer fatigue. With UET CPR Device, automated compressions are delivered consistently and continuously, helping to maintain good circulation to the patient during transport and throughout the hospital.

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Operational Effectiveness

This is lightweight, comes with a Spine board and can be applied quickly to a patient, assembles in less than one minute. It’s simple to apply whether the patient is on a bed, a stretcher in the ambulance or in operation theatre.
Whether you are delivering chest compressions in the back of an ambulance or in an emergency department, this device can help keep responders safe. In a mobile environment, rescuers can be safely seat-belted in the back of an ambulance while it delivers compressions. In a hospital environment, this may help decrease occurrences of back injuries sustained while delivering CPR, as rescuers will no longer have to deliver prolonged CPR on a bed.

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Improving Operations in the field

Chiefs, training officers and medics are always looking for ways to maximize their resources while improving response in the field. Having this device at your side during a cardiac emergency allows you to reduce the number of EMTs or firefighters to assist with CPR. This lessens chaos on the scene and frees up equipment and staff to go on to other emergencies.

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Continuous Care in Emergency Department

For an emergency department or nurse manager, this device is a vital tool in the treatment of cardiac arrest patients. This device delivers effective, consistent, uninterrupted chest compressions and can help effectively manage the code scene while helping the patient to maintain good circulation. Emergency department staff, relieved of the need to perform manual compressions, can more efficiently assess the patient’s condition and determine the best treatment plan. This can reduce crowding and chaos in the emergency department, which can help to maintain calm and focus amongst the staff, and potentially free up resources for use in other emergencies.

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